Sunday 18 November 2012

Library Catalogue

I enjoyed exploring our District's online catalogue this week.  I realized there is so much to learn and discover with Destiny.  The posts this week help me with exploring different options available.
I thought the online catalogue was user friendly and with some guidance, even primary students can meet with success.  Of benefit, is the fact the online catalogue can be access from anywhere.  Presently, there are no computers in our library but this does not need to stop the students from accessing the catalogue in their classroom.  They can come to the library with printouts of books they would like to take out for instance.
As a mentioned in the discussion form, I was happy to see you could access the catalogue in French but it was more limiting than in English.  At times, English results appeared instead of the French.  This could be confusing and frustrating for students learning another language.  I imagine you could have a conversation with the district library helping teacher about this.  This shows another good example of the importance of networking with other teacher-librarians.
I did get the admin password from our teacher-librarian and did some exploring of the site.  I wasn't too sure of a few things so consulted the district's library manual for guidance.  I didn't find this particularly useful and recognized the importance of spending the time and asking questions about the system.  Perhaps getting the teacher-librarian to sit down with me and show the site as someone in the discussion forum had done.  My district does also offer training for TOC's on Destiny so I imagine this is available for new teacher-librarian,too?
Before this week, I really hadn't accessed the online catalogue much. I was excited to see some of the options it offers and how it could help me and my students in the classroom.

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